50 results

What is Tu B’Shvat?

It’s cold, it’s snowing, the trees are bare… in many parts of the world, that is. But in Israel, the earliest flowers are starting to bloom and it’s time to celebrate a Jewish holiday called Tu Bishvat. 

Student planting at UVM Hillel Farm

What Even IS Hanukkah?

During Hanukkah, our homes become microcosms of the Temple. For each of the 8 nights, we gather together, light candles, and eat foods fried in oil to remember this miracle. These acts of community and ritual strengthen our resolve to bring light into the world, and to celebrate our collective resilience and unity.

Letters from Alyssa: What Hanukkah Means to Me

As Jewish college students prepare to light this years’ Hanukkah candles, I’ve been reflecting on the deeper meaning behind the holiday’s glow. Hanukkah is often seen as a joyful, fun-filled celebration – spinning dreidels, eating latkes, and exchanging gifts. And it is! But beyond the festive lights and traditions, there’s a profound story about Jewish identity and resilience that inspires me.

Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah 101

Why celebrate one Jewish holiday when you can celebrate four?! After a month of observing the holidays of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, the Jewish calendar finally lands on Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, a combined celebration that marks the end of the High Holidays. 

Three students stand around two Torah scrolls

Sukkot 101

Beginning five days after Yom Kippur, Sukkot is one of the three major holidays during the Jewish calendar (the other two are Passover and Shavuot). The word “Sukkot” means “booths” or “huts,” and refers to the structures many Jewish families and communities build to represent the temporary dwellings the Israelites lived in after their escape from Egypt.