14 results

What’s new at Hillel CASE?

Hillel CASE unites Jewish young adults across the former Soviet Union, with centers all over Eastern Europe. Hillel CASE participants spent this summer connecting, learning, engaging, and building community, even amid the backdrop of war in Ukraine, and we’re excited to share some of the highlights of their recent programming, which has provided much-needed support in a region in turmoil.

Top Four Hillel Hanukkah Happenings

Hillels around the world rejoiced in the festival of light, even at a time when the world has been darker than usual. From Californa to Kyiv to Israel, students celebrated, grieved for those impacted by antisemitism and the Hamas-Israel War, and participated in acts of kindness to commemorate the miracle of Hanukkah.

A Tale of Two Purims

Hillels across the world celebrated Purim this week, each with their own unique flair. We wanted to take you inside two Hillel Purim celebrations on opposite sides of the globe that both brought the Purim joy and fun to the party.

Hillel CASE Gathers in Israel

For 25 years, Hillel in Central Asia and Southeastern Europe (CASE) has played a prominent role in the lives of Jewish students and young adults in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Crimea, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. This February, just three days before the war in Ukraine began, city and country directors from Hillel CASE gathered in Odessa for their bi-annual staff gathering.

Hillel Kharkiv Begins to Rebuild

Instead of celebrating it’s 25th anniversary this spring, the students and staff of Kharkiv Hillel are working tirelessly to repair their space that was heavily damaged by bombing during the war in Ukraine this spring. Volunteers are coming together to rebuild the Hillel building that previously housed 600 Jewish students and young professionals after it was reduced to rubble.

AJC Honors Hillels in Ukraine and Indiana for their Resilience and Fight Against Antisemitism

American Jewish Committee today honored students at Hillel chapters in the Ukraine city of Kharkiv, and Indiana University, where students marshaled an effort to create campus-wide solidarity in the face of rising acts of antisemitism. The Hillel chapters received the AJC Sharon Greene Award for Campus Advocacy, which recognizes college-based advocates who fight antisemitism and support Jewish life on campus.