Topic: Leadership and Career Skills

49 results

Advice From Great Jewish Women

Each March, we recognize  Women’s History Month, and this year, we asked Hillel International Student Cabinet members who identify as women to share reflections on their college experiences, and advice for younger students who are beginning their college careers. Here’s what they had to say:

By being a part of these communities, I have felt encouraged to embrace myself — no matter what Jewish space I occupy.

I am a bi-racial Jew: My mom is white and Jewish, and my dad is Black and a non-practicing Christian. My parents always told me how special I am to be part of two extraordinary groups of people, but I long believed I could only be one or the other. Over the years I have learned to become more comfortable coexisting in both identities.

Speaking Up for Israel

For me, Judaism is warmth. It is the warmth of a mazel tov on a happy occasion. It is the warmth of far too much food at every social gathering. It is the warmth of traveling away from home to college and having a constant, reliable base in the campus Hillel. And it is the warmth of hearing “welcome home” the moment you step foot in Israel.