Hillel Stories

What’s happening on campus? Hear from students, professionals, and Hillel community members whose lives have been impacted by Hillel and who impact the world with their voices and stories. Share your story with us!

163 results

When Basketball Meets Shabbat: Rami’s Story

Coming to campus as an observant Jewish student, I was immediately drawn to Hillel as the center of Jewish life at University of Maryland. I went to Hillel for kosher meals, for services, to meet friends, and to learn Torah.  I’m also a lifelong basketball fan (go Sixers!), and was looking for a way to […]

Speaking Up and Making Change: Madison’s Story

It can be hard to have a disability and make friends at school. In high school,  I was involved with Washington Hebrew Congregation and loved being a leader in my Jewish community. So when I was searching for a way to form a community for myself at George Mason University, I went to see what was happening at Hillel.

By being a part of these communities, I have felt encouraged to embrace myself — no matter what Jewish space I occupy.

I am a bi-racial Jew: My mom is white and Jewish, and my dad is Black and a non-practicing Christian. My parents always told me how special I am to be part of two extraordinary groups of people, but I long believed I could only be one or the other. Over the years I have learned to become more comfortable coexisting in both identities.

Jewish Agency Israel Fellow Spotlight: Shaked Bustnay

In reflecting on my journeys recently, I realized that my wanderlust comes from my grandfather. A Yemenite sailor, he came to Israel as part of Operation Magic Carpet and set my family on a new path. He loved to travel the world, but he loved my grandmother, their family, and Israel even more. He shared […]