Explore M.I.T. Hillel

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, situated on the banks of the Charles River in Cambridge, is known for its plethora of Nobel laureates, student hacks (technically intricate practical jokes) and demanding academic environment. The Hillel at MIT acknowledges its special environment by encouraging students to participate in stimulating Jewish experiences as well as to develop both Jewish applications to and Israel connections with their work. MIT`s Jewish students come from across the globe; both undergraduate and graduate students are served by full-time Hillel staff.

Undergraduate Enrollment

250 Jewish Students (5.4%*)
4,638 Students
*Percent of population

Graduate Enrollment

420 Jewish Students (5.7%*)
7,344 Students
*Percent of population

Jewish Experience Through Hillel

Campus Climate for Jewish Students

Kosher Dining

MIT operates a kosher servery, under the supervision of the Vaad Harabonim (Vaad Hakashrus) of Massachusetts, within the main cafeteria on campus. There is no additional charge to any diner who chooses this option, and all diners can eat side-by-side together.

Options: University meal plan-no extra cost

Religious Services

Conservative and Orthodox services both meet on Friday night when school is in session. There is an Orthodox service weekdays and on Shabbat morning during the school year. The Conservative minyan meets once a semester on Shabbat morning as part of a Shabbaton.

Frequency: Contact this hillel

Additional Campus Information

  • Jewish Studies Offered Yes
  • Jewish Studies Major or Minor None
  • Study Abroad in Israel University sponsored program
  • Private/Public Private
  • Acceptance Rate 5%
  • U.S. Region Northeast
  • Commuter/Residential Residential
  • Tuition In-State $59,750
  • Tuition Out-of-State $59,750
  • Out-of-State/Int’l 91% / 11%
  • Greek Life Yes

Related News

The Hillel College Guide aims to provide you with a snapshot of each local Hillel’s makeup and offerings. We recognize that there may be more information you need in order to better understand the campus reality, particularly around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. If you would like additional information about a given campus’ offerings or action steps in those areas, please reach out to us at [email protected].

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40 Massachusetts Avenue (MIT Bldg W11)
Cambridge MA 02139 US
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