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Florida-Israel Institute Scholarship

The Florida-Israel Institute offers 25 full-time scholarships each semester to Israelis wishing to study in Florida. This scholarship serves as an out of state tuition exemption for Florida public colleges and universities. It is sponsored by the State of Florida to promote Florida-Israel friendship, business, and education.

Current Undergraduate
Amount Varies

George J Cooper Scholarship

This award is granted to a member of the Ottawa Jewish Community who has displayed leadership qualities and academic excellence. Applicants must be Jewish, between the ages of 18 and 30, and must either be a member of or a student in the Ottawa community. The award must be used for formal education.

Current Undergraduate

Murray I. Daninhirsch Student Loan Fund

The Murray I. Daninhirsch Student Loan Fund provides interest free loans for undergraduate study to students who reside in Broward County. Loans shall be for a maximum of $6,000 per student. Loan repayment is to begin nine months after the individual ceases to be a full-time college student.

Current Undergraduate
Up to $6,000

Esther Rose Shnier XI Chapter of Sigma Delta Tau Scholarship

The Schusterman Center annually offers two Shnier Scholarships of $3,000. The scholarships are open to any individual who, has completed at least 30 credit hours and is a full-time, regularly enrolled student of the University of Oklahoma. Applicants must major or minor in Judaic Studies and/or a minor in Hebrew.

Current Undergraduate

Jewish Free Loan

Jewish Free Loan offers interest-free loans to university students facing the financial challenges of paying for higher education. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, have a steady source of income and demonstrate a need for the loan, and be permanent residents of Los Angeles or Ventura counties.

Current Undergraduate
Amount Varies

Judaic Arts and Studies Scholarship

The Judaic Arts and Studies Scholarship is a $2,000 award for students enrolled in the Jewish Studies Program. This scholarship is to be used for developing Jewish scholarship and study by providing books and media materials.

Current Undergraduate