Find a Hillel
956 results

Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118, US
- Top 60 in Jewish population
- Hillel serves this location
- Kosher dining available
- Hillel Rabbi/Senior Jewish Educator

Western University
London, ON N6A 3K7, CA
- Top 60 in Jewish population
- Hillel serves this location
- Hillel Rabbi/Senior Jewish Educator
- Hillel mental health/wellness staff

University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106, US
- Top 60 in Jewish population
- Hillel serves this location
- Antisemitism training from Hillel International
- Hillel Rabbi/Senior Jewish Educator

George Washington University
Washington, DC 20052, US
- Top 60 in Jewish population
- Hillel serves this location
- Kosher dining available
- Antisemitism training from Hillel International
- Hillel Rabbi/Senior Jewish Educator

New York University
New York, NY 10003, US
- Top 60 in Jewish population
- Hillel serves this location
- Kosher dining available
- Antisemitism training from Hillel International
- Hillel Rabbi/Senior Jewish Educator
- Hillel mental health/wellness staff

Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210, US
- Top 60 in Jewish population
- Hillel serves this location
- Kosher dining available
- Antisemitism training from Hillel International
- Hillel Rabbi/Senior Jewish Educator

University of Texas, Austin
Austin, TX 78705, US
- Top 60 in Jewish population
- Hillel serves this location
- Kosher dining available
- Antisemitism training from Hillel International
- Hillel Rabbi/Senior Jewish Educator
- Hillel mental health/wellness staff

Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824, US
- Top 60 in Jewish population
- Hillel serves this location
- Kosher dining available
- Hillel mental health/wellness staff