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Vladimir and Pearl Heifetz Memorial Fellowship

The Vladimir and Pearl Heifetz Memorial Fellowship is designed to assist an undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate researcher in Eastern European Jewish literature. This combined fellowship carries a stipend of $5,000 to defray expenses connected with research in the YIVO's archival collections and library.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student

American Zionist Movement’s HBR Scholarship

Reich scholarships are awarded each fall and spring to American college students accepted to study in Israel at an undergraduate program at Ben-Gurion University, University of Haifa, or Tel Aviv University for a minimum of one semester (preference to students attending for a full year). Applicants must have a minimum college GPA of 3.5.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Saul Viener Book Prize

The Saul Viener Prize is awarded biannually. Only books that focus on the history of the Jews in America are considered. Works in literature, sociology, political science, and other fields do not qualify, nor do historical studies of Jews outside of the United States.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student

Rhea Sourifman Caplin Memorial Scholarship

The Rhea Sourifman Caplin Memorial Scholarship is awarded to those pursuing nursing or healthcare. Applicants must be of the Jewish faith, be a greater Hartford resident (preference to Bloomfield), have a minimum B average in sciences, and be active and involved in their community. This is a $1,000-$2,000 renewable scholarship.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Up to $2,000

AJC Goldman Summer Fellowship

AJC's Summer Fellowship Program is designed to develop future leaders in the areas of international and domestic politics, diplomacy, public relations, and management. This competitive fellowship gives undergraduate and graduate students the unique opportunity to work in AJC offices in the U.S. and throughout the world.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel

Entrepreneur Circle Scholarship

This $1,000 scholarship is for students who seek to or are in the process of launching a new company. Any current College/University/Grad School student enrolled in a 2-year, 4-year or graduate program during the 2019-2020 school year is eligible. The student must be enrolled at an accredited university or college.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student

Ruth and Victor David Scholarship

The Ruth and Victor David Scholarship is a $4,000 award to a Quebec student enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies in Montreal; based on need and merit. Applicants must provide a transcript of grades, show proof of Quebec residency, and show a history of community involvement.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student

HIAS Scholarship Awards Competition

This competition is open to refugees and asylees who were assisted by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to come to the U.S. Undergraduate and graduate students may apply for a $2000 award towards educational expenses. Applicants will be judged in three areas: academic scholarship, financial need and Jewish communal involvement.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student

Sylvia Tuman Scholarship Program

The Sylvia Tuman Scholarship Program administered by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation provides a limited number of scholarships for Jewish students who require financial assistance to further their education. Students must be enrolled or accepted into an undergraduate or graduate degree program at a college or university located in Miami-Dade or Broward counties

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Jewish Education Loan Fund of Florida

Applicants for the Jewish Educational Loan Fund (JELF) must: be Jewish, be a legal resident of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Virginia; be enrolled full-time at an accredited U.S. institute; and, be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies