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Thalheimer Israel Scholarship

With the Thalheimer Israel Scholarship, the Jewish Federation offers young adults in Arkansas the chance to study and travel in Israel. Please submit a 1-2 page description of the Israel program with which you will travel/study and a budget. Applicants are typically notified within one week of submitting applications.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Sahm/Goldman Scholarship

The Sahm/Goldman Scholarship is awarded to Jewish residents of the metropolitan Washington area who have completed at least two years of undergraduate study. Applicants must be studying or conducting significant research or career development in Israel. Priority to applicants traveling to Israel for the first time.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Up to $2,500

Marvin Anmuth Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is for Jewish undergraduate or graduates pursuing a degree program in electrical engineering at an accredited college, university, or graduate school. Students must show financial need, leadership in the Jewish community, and have at least a 3.0 GPA. Applicant must reside within the San Francisco Bay Area.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Up to $5,000

Helen B. and Lewis E. Goldstein Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is for Jewish undergraduate or graduate students currently enrolled at an accredited four-year college or university. Preference given to someone enrolled in a professional school such as a law school, business, or library/information science. Preference will also be given to a student who is an immigrant.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student

Nathan L. and Suzanne K. Wolfson Fund

The Nathan L. and Suzanne K. Wolfson Fund Merit Award (administered by JBI International) provides merit awards for Jewish undergraduate and graduate students who are blind or visually impaired and are attending accredited colleges or universities. Each awardee will receive various amounts, with the possibility of renewal for a second year.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
At least $2,500

Linda Fenner Scholarship

Applicants for this scholarship must be: Jewish, female, Colorado residents, at least 21, and identified as leaders in the Jewish community. The scholarships may be used to subsidize the cost of a young adult program, mission to Israel, national Jewish non-profit conference, or any other Jewish program.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Up to 2,500

Linda Fenner Scholarship through JEWISHColorado

Jewish women between the ages of 21 and 45 who are Colorado residents and have been identified as leaders or as having leadership potential in the Jewish community.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Up to $2,500

Becky Topelson Scholarship through JEWISHColorado

Jewish women between the ages of 21 and 45 who are Colorado residents and have been identified as leaders or as having leadership potential in the Jewish community.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student

Jewish Education Loan Fund of Georgia

Applicants for the Jewish Educational Loan Fund (JELF) must: be Jewish, be a legal resident of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Virginia; be enrolled full-time at an accredited U.S. institute; and, be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Joseph Kremen Memorial Fellowship

The Joseph Kremen Memorial Fellowship is dedicated to assist an undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate researcher in the fields of Eastern European Jewish arts, music and theater. This fellowship carries a stipend of $7,000 to defray expenses connected with research in the YIVO's arts, music and theater archival collections.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student