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Joseph Horowitz Travel Grant

The Joseph Horowitz Israel Travel Grant is available through the Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties. The grant may be used for travel to Israel to participate in programs that are volunteer or educational in nature.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Rutgers Study in Israel Awards

The Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life distributes financial awards to full-time Rutgers undergraduate and graduate students for study in Israel at an accredited Israeli university.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Rutgers Jewish Awards for Outside Research or Study

This awards enables students to pursue research related to Jewish Studies at institutions other than Rutgers, in the U.S. or abroad. Applicants must be a sophomore, junior, or senior with a major or minor in Jewish Studies at Rutgers. Students at Rutgers in MA or PhD programs doing Jewish Studies research are also eligible.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Rutgers Jewish Studies Awards

To be eligible for an award, students must be sophomores, juniors, or seniors with a declared major or minor in Jewish Studies. Graduate students at Rutgers enrolled in MA or PhD programs who are doing research on a topic in Jewish Studies are also eligible for consideration.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

G. Wasserman Scholarship Fund

The Meyerhoff Center supports Jewish studies and Israel studies scholarship both on campus and abroad. Majors and non-majors planning to study at an Israeli university are eligible for scholarships. To learn more, visit the application site and click on “For Other Students."

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

D.M. Konigsberg Memorial Fund

The Meyerhoff Center supports Jewish studies and Israel studies scholarship both on campus and abroad. Majors and non-majors planning to study at an Israeli university are eligible for scholarships. To learn more, visit the application site and click on “For Other Students."

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Naples Israel Experience Scholarship

The Jewish Federation of Greater Naples has a proud tradition and responsibility of helping our Jewish youth with scholarships for various Jewish camps and programs available throughout the country and the world.

High School Senior
Study in israel
Amount Varies

South Palm Beach County Scholarships

For undergraduate college scholarship requests, the JJCF will assistance toward tuition, room and board (if living away from home) and/or books. Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 to receive funding

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Amount Varies

Linda Berey Hurst Chai Fund

Linda's family established a fund to ensure that Jewish children have access to quality immersive Jewish experiences, such as Jewish overnight camp and study in Israel programs. We are pleased to provide a limited number of scholarships to Jewish students living in South Palm Beach County, Florida.

High School Senior
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Milton A. and Louise C. Jentes Scholarship

The recipient of the scholarship award will be a student of the Jewish faith who has graduated from a high school in Orange or Seminole Counties, Florida, or whose family resides within 75 miles of the University. Only for the University of Central Florida students

High School Senior
Amount Varies