Safety and Security

We are committed to providing a safe and positive experience for all of our trips. In cooperation with Birthright Israel’s international office, the Israeli government, and our tour partners, Hillel International monitors the situation in Israel on a daily basis.
Precautions taken for this trip are very extensive, and are detailed below. Even though there are never guarantees when it comes to safety, in Israel or anywhere, we believe that, with these steps, we can ensure a successful and safe Israel experience.
Should you have any additional questions, please contact your local Hillel or Jewish community professional or contact us.
Quick Facts
- Our groups do not travel to areas of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, or any other potential trouble spots which have received much media attention due to the hostilities.
- We have security briefings with our tour partners throughout the trips. Local security personnel are notified of the group’s travel plans and will contact the group in the event of an emergency. We will change a group’s itinerary immediately to reflect any heightened risk or security concerns.
- Hillel’s participants on Birthright Israel travel on private buses that are locked and under supervision when not in use. Each bus has a professional driver who accompanies the group at all times. At no point is public transportation used during our programs. All buses have a GPS communication and tracking device, and are accompanied by a security guard at all times.
- All participants will receive contact information for hotels in which students will be staying, as well as a 24-hour emergency number (202) 503-4091) in Israel for parents/guardians to use in the event of a family emergency or crisis at home. Additionally, each participating Hillel will designate a local contact person who will be in contact with the group during the course of the trip and who can be contacted in case of emergency.
- In the event of an emergency or any incident in Israel, an update will be posted on Hillel’s Israel helpline and on our website. We have extensive contingency plans covering a range of possibilities.