New York Laws and Requirements

Each of these laws applies to employers of all sizes. New York State’s website provides in-depth guidance for Employers. Below, you’ll find an outline of the steps you must take to comply with these laws. While New York is the only state with these specific laws at this time, the resources can be used more broadly at other Hillels.
New York State Requirements
1. Every employer in New York state must have a written sexual harassment prevention policy in place and distributed. Here is New York State’s Model Policy.
2. Every employer must either adopt or create a sexual harassment complaint form and include it as part of the employer’s sexual harassment policy. View a model complaint form.
3. Every employer must provide interactive sexual harassment prevention training annually to all employees. New York State’s minimum standards for training can be found here. Hillel International will be rolling out training that exceeds the State’s minimum standards in 2019. If you are interested, please be in touch with Amy Martasin.
New York City Requirements (in addition to the above)
New York City’s Stop Sexual Harassment in New York City Act requires employers in New York City, including non-profits, to provide employees with multiple forms of notice regarding their rights.
- Every employer must post a notice regarding employee rights. This poster should be displayed in your workplace immediately.
- Every employer must also distribute a fact sheet to its employees.