Hillel Stories

What’s happening on campus? Hear from students, professionals, and Hillel community members whose lives have been impacted by Hillel and who impact the world with their voices and stories. Share your story with us!

163 results

I Can’t Fast On Yom Kippur —And That’s Nothing To Be Ashamed Of

Yom Kippur is not a fun day for anyone. The “hanger” is real, caffeine withdrawal is always worse than I remember it to be and I’m pretty sure every non-Jewish person I follow on Instagram posts more #foodporn photos that day than any other day of the year.  However, when people tell me I am […]

Leaving my Syrian Jewish Community Brought Me Closer to Home

Until moving across the country in June, I lived in the same Syrian Jewish neighborhood in Gravesend, Brooklyn for 22 years. Moving across the country is certainly not the traditional path for my friends from Brooklyn. And my move has definitely put my family on edge. Some from my insular Syrian Jewish community say I […]