Six Amazing Hillel Sukkahs
Colleges and universities across the country welcomed new and returning students to campus this month. Enjoy this snapshot of programming for first-year students and beyond at Hillels all the way from Florida to Arizona.

Full meat kitchen meals provided daily at Shaw Hall. Holidays and special events are served at the Winnick Hillel Center for Jewish Life.
Options: University meal plan-no extra cost
Visit University Website
Colleges and universities across the country welcomed new and returning students to campus this month. Enjoy this snapshot of programming for first-year students and beyond at Hillels all the way from Florida to Arizona.
Colleges and universities across the country welcomed new and returning students to campus this month. Enjoy this snapshot of programming for first-year students and beyond at Hillels all the way from Florida to Arizona.
In partnership with the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, Hillel International’s Social Impact Department offers Interfaith Outreach Microgrants, which support projects that are the outgrowth of collaborative relationship-building between Jewish students and students from other faith traditions, and that result in expanding and strengthening relationships among students from different faith traditions. Below are some examples of […]
Check out some of the scholarships available for Syracuse University Jewish students.
This fund functions primarily as a needs-based fund to help underwrite some of the expenses related to a planned group trip to Israel.
Students must be current high school students and have completed at least the 10th grade of a Jewish education program or expect to complete it by this spring. This can be done through the Federation-supported Epstein High School of Jewish Studies or the equivalent.
The Hillel College Guide aims to provide you with a snapshot of each local Hillel’s makeup and offerings. We recognize that there may be more information you need in order to better understand the campus reality, particularly around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. If you would like additional information about a given campus’ offerings or action steps in those areas, please reach out to us at [email protected].