Explore Hillel of San Diego at SDSU
Jewish campus life at SDSU is strong and growing. The beautiful new Melvin Garb Hillel Center opened in April, 2014 and this state-of-the-art, LEED Gold Certified facility has become a real involvement hub and provides great space for an active community. Students have opportunities to connect almost daily, in the building and on campus. Whether it`s a BBQ, camping trip, bagels on campus, Alternative Spring Break, Birthright Israel, Wednesday night happenings, Challah for Hunger, freshman dinners, community service projects, Israel education & advocacy, Jewish learning, bi-weekly Shabbat services & dinners and holiday celebrations, etc, etc., students can find, and create, their place. The Garb Center is a welcoming destination for students to stop by to grab a cup of coffee, find a comfortable study space, meet up with friends or hang out between classes.
Undergraduate Enrollment
32,896 Students
*Percent of population
Graduate Enrollment
4,643 Students
*Percent of population
Jewish Experience Through Hillel
- Served by Hillel Yes
- Religious Services Available Yes
- Hillel Rabbi/Senior Jewish Educator No
- Hillel Mental Health/Wellness Staff No
- Kosher Food Available No
- Birthright Israel Participation Yes
- Alt Break Participation Yes
- Israel Fellow Yes
- JLIC Educator No
Campus Climate for Jewish Students
- Hillel CCI Antisemitism Training Participant Yes
- Open Title VI Investigation Yes
- Anti-Israel Student Government or BDS Resolution Passed
Religious Services
Hillel services are student-led, participatory, informal. With a mixture of Hebrew and English, both women and men take turns leading and giving the D'var Torah. Services are followed by a delicious free dinner!
Frequency: Contact this hillel
Additional Campus Information
Visit University Website
- Jewish Studies Offered Yes
- Jewish Studies Major or Minor Minor, Major
- Study Abroad in Israel University sponsored program
- Private/Public Public
- Acceptance Rate 34%
- U.S. Region Pacific
- Commuter/Residential Residential
- Tuition In-State $6,084
- Tuition Out-of-State $18,684
- Out-of-State/Int’l 24% / 3%
- Greek Life Yes
The Hillel College Guide aims to provide you with a snapshot of each local Hillel’s makeup and offerings. We recognize that there may be more information you need in order to better understand the campus reality, particularly around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. If you would like additional information about a given campus’ offerings or action steps in those areas, please reach out to us at [email protected].