Six Amazing Hillel Sukkahs
Colleges and universities across the country welcomed new and returning students to campus this month. Enjoy this snapshot of programming for first-year students and beyond at Hillels all the way from Florida to Arizona.

Hillel at Binghamton provides a pluralistic environment where Jewish students from all backgrounds can explore, celebrate, travel, learn, volunteer, and grow. As one of the most active student organization on campus, Hillel at Binghamton provides a wide array of social, cultural, educational, and religious programming to the 3,700 Jewish students at Binghamton University. Whether your passion is volunteering, traveling, exploring your future career, celebrating Shabbat and holidays, listening to Israeli music, or hanging out with friends, Hillel has something for you.
Binghamton University provides Kosher dining on campus. Located in one of the dining halls, there is the "Kosher Korner" which is open 3 meals per day except Shabbat. On Shabbat and holidays, Hillel provides Kosher meals. In addition, there is packaged to-go kosher food available in every other dining hall.
Options: University meal plan-no extra cost
Hillel at Binghamton offers Friday night services - Reform, Conservative and Orthodox options are available. On Saturday mornings there are Orthodox services weekly and Conservative services monthly. Weekly Shabbat lunch and Seudah/Havdalah
Frequency: Contact this hillel
Visit University Website
Colleges and universities across the country welcomed new and returning students to campus this month. Enjoy this snapshot of programming for first-year students and beyond at Hillels all the way from Florida to Arizona.
Colleges and universities across the country welcomed new and returning students to campus this month. Enjoy this snapshot of programming for first-year students and beyond at Hillels all the way from Florida to Arizona.
The Hillel College Guide aims to provide you with a snapshot of each local Hillel’s makeup and offerings. We recognize that there may be more information you need in order to better understand the campus reality, particularly around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. If you would like additional information about a given campus’ offerings or action steps in those areas, please reach out to us at [email protected].