Explore Towson University Hillel
Undergraduate Enrollment
16,400 Students
*Percent of population
Graduate Enrollment
3,010 Students
*Percent of population
Jewish Experience Through Hillel
- Served by Hillel Yes
- Religious Services Available Yes
- Hillel Rabbi/Senior Jewish Educator Yes
- Hillel Mental Health/Wellness Staff No
- Kosher Food Available Yes
- Birthright Israel Participation Yes
- Alt Break Participation No
- Israel Fellow No
- JLIC Educator No
Campus Climate for Jewish Students
- Hillel CCI Antisemitism Training Participant Yes
- Open Title VI Investigation No
- Anti-Israel Student Government or BDS Resolution Passed
Kosher Dining
The university has a kosher dining option in the Newell dining hall. serves lunch and dinner five times a week. Kosher dining is under the supervision of Star K
Options: University meal plan-no extra cost;Kosher food available nearby
Additional Campus Information
Visit University Website
- Jewish Studies Offered Yes
- Jewish Studies Major or Minor Minor, Other
- Study Abroad in Israel Accepts credit for Israel study abroad
- Private/Public Public
- Acceptance Rate 83%
- U.S. Region Mid-Atlantic
- Commuter/Residential Residential
- Tuition In-State $7,382
- Tuition Out-of-State $24,402
- Out-of-State/Int’l 9% / 1%
- Greek Life Yes
Related Scholarships
Check out some of the scholarships available for Towson University Jewish students.
Rose Winder Scholarship Award-Graduate
The purpose of the scholarship is to provide scholarship support for students in graduate programs affiliated with Towson University's Baltimore Hebrew Institute. Awards are granted to graduate students earning a post-baccalaureate or master’s in a Judaic Studies program.
Helyn B. Reich Memorial Scholarship
Are you an American college student or graduate who has been accepted to an Israel study abroad or MASA Israel Journey program? Further, are you actively involved in pro-Israel activities on your college campus or local community? If so, consider applying for the Helyn B. Reich Memorial Scholarship!
Ida Lee Friedman Graduate Scholarship
To be eligible, applicants must be a graduate student earning a post-baccalaureate certificate or master's in a Judaic Studies program at Towson University. This scholarship provides ongoing support for students in graduate programs affiliated with Towson University's Baltimore Hebrew Institute.
The Hillel College Guide aims to provide you with a snapshot of each local Hillel’s makeup and offerings. We recognize that there may be more information you need in order to better understand the campus reality, particularly around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. If you would like additional information about a given campus’ offerings or action steps in those areas, please reach out to us at dei@hillel.org.