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Irene Brand Lieberman Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to graduate students enrolled in a course of study related to children. Preference will be given to the applicant's need and community involvement. Applicants must provide a transcript, show proof of Quebec residency, and a letter of acceptance to graduate or post graduate studies in Montreal.

Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Jewish Scholarship Service

Jewish Scholarship Service of Greater Pittsburgh (JSS), provides need-based scholarships to qualified students in the Greater Pittsburgh area. This program is administered by Jewish Family and Community Services. With one application students are able to apply to more than 40 available family and scholarship funds.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Sylvia Tuman Scholarship Program

The Sylvia Tuman Scholarship Program administered by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation provides a limited number of scholarships for Jewish students who require financial assistance to further their education. Students must be enrolled or accepted into an undergraduate or graduate degree program at a college or university located in Miami-Dade or Broward counties

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Jewish Education Loan Fund of Florida

Applicants for the Jewish Educational Loan Fund (JELF) must: be Jewish, be a legal resident of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Virginia; be enrolled full-time at an accredited U.S. institute; and, be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Rabbi Morris Margolies Study Abroad Scholarships

Some scholarships to study Jewish Studies abroad were donated by KU alum, Mr. Harvey Bodker in honor of the memory of Rabbi Morris Margolies, senior rabbi at Congregation Beth Shalom and longtime professor of Jewish Studies at KU.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Kansas Jewish Study Abroad Scholarship

For a limited time, scholarships are available to students studying Jewish Studies abroad. Students wishing to apply for general scholarships should submit a resume and personal statement (500 words or less) to [email protected].

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Schoenbaum Family Scholarship Fund

The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee awards education scholarships to qualified applicants attending: College, Community College, Vocational/Technical School or University. The applicant and his/her parent(s) must be full-time residents in either Sarasota or Manatee county for a minimum of two years.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Ronald and Geri Yonover Scholarship

The number and amount of scholarships for this program varies from year-to-year.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Melissa Wides Foundation Education Scholarship

The number and amount of scholarships varies from year-to-year. The scholarship is available to students with documented intellectual or physical disabilities, or students majoring in a field to assist individuals with intellectual or physical disabilities.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Miami Israel Program Scholarships

Federation offers need-based assistance for Miami-Dade County residents, ages 15 to 26. Funding is one-time only, and awards are based on need and length of an approved Israel program, which must be a minimum of three weeks in duration.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies