50 results

The Ultimate Hanukkah Party Hosting Guide

1. Create a latke bar with different types of toppings and sauces. Offer classic toppings like sour cream and applesauce, but also include unique options like smoked salmon, avocado, and various flavored creams. 2. Hanukkah is all about light, so make that the focus of your decor. Combine candles, clear strung holiday lights, and even […]

Six Amazing Hillel Sukkahs

Colleges and universities across the country welcomed new and returning students to campus this month. Enjoy this snapshot of programming for first-year students and beyond at Hillels all the way from Florida to Arizona.

A student holds a lulav and etrog in a sukkah.

Blessings from the Bees: Rosh Hashanah 2023

As Jews around the world celebrate the beginning of the new year in the Jewish calendar, Rabba Amalia reflects, “The honey we taste on Rosh Hashanah is the culmination of an incredible landscape of blessing; the soil, the flowers, the rain, the nectar, and the bees. My hope for the new year is that we are also tasting a small moment of the blessings to come this year.”

What is the 17th of Tammuz?

The summer months mark the biggest gap between holidays in the Jewish calendar. They also contain the period of time known as the Three Weeks. Beginning with the Fast of the 17th of Tammuz and ending with the Fast of the Ninth of Av, Tisha B’Av, the Three Weeks are a time of mourning and commemoration of historical loss for the Jewish people.