Join Hillel for Good Deeds Day 2016
On April 10, 2016, George Mason University will be hosting its third annual Good Deeds Day (GDD) in partnership with Mason Hillel and the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington.

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On April 10, 2016, George Mason University will be hosting its third annual Good Deeds Day (GDD) in partnership with Mason Hillel and the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington.
Once all the Israelites have given their gifts to help make the beautiful Mishkan, the presence of God can finally come down and dwell with the people of Israel, to guide them on their journey through the desert.
Speaking out, quite literally, gave me a voice again.
The Springboard Fellowship will train cohorts of young Jewish professionals in highly-valued skillsets and place them at local Hillel campuses for two years.
Creating sacred space is about developing a skilled team committed to the project. It’s difficult.
Rabbi David Singer is the director of UC San Diego Hillel
Each of us is presented with the opportunity to mirror Moses’ encounter as we move through this world.
In order for the flame to burn continuously, someone needs to care for the flame and put effort into cultivating it so it does not expire.
Noam Bentov is the executive director of Towson Hillel.
Hillel Olami is a new, innovative and unique project which highlights global Jewish Peoplehood among young adults on college campuses.