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Center for Jewish History Graduate Research Fellowship

The Center for Jewish History offers ten-month fellowships to doctoral candidates to support original research using the Center's collections. Preference is given to candidates who draw on the library and archival resources of more than one partner institution. Fellowships receive a stipend of $22,500 for one academic year.

Graduate Student

Center for Jewish Studies Award

The award is granted to a student/s who has promoted the health and wellbeing of the Academic Program on campus, generally a work-study student and/or the Editors of the annual Journal.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Central Scholarships

Through a variety of scholarships, we invest in Maryland students pursuing undergraduate, graduate, professional degrees, and career training programs because it leads to bright futures for themselves, their families, and the communities where they live. Whether students are preparing to enter their freshman year, are mid college career, studying for medical school, or pursuing a certification we offer more than 80 scholarships and interest-free loans designed to help students focus on what’s important… classes, not tuition!

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Amount Varies

Charles and Gayle Mazursky Student Support Fund

Through the Charles and Gayle Mazursky Student Support Fund, the Center for Jewish Studies is able to offer a number of grants for research-related travel, including travel to resources (e.g., archives, oral history interviews, etc.), other venues essential for carrying out work on an undergraduate or graduate thesis, or travel to professional conferences.

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Amount Varies

Charlotte Susan Roth Memorial Fund Essay Contest

Essay topics can include any aspect of Jewish Studies (Bible, language, literature, history, culture of Israel, etc.) Open to any undergraduate or graduate student at Ohio State who has written a paper on a topic related to Jewish Studies. There are first and second cash prizes ($1,000 and $750, respectively).

Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student

Cincinnati Israel Travel Grants

Israel travel grants for students ages 16-26 residing in Greater Cincinnati area.

High School Senior
Current Undergraduate
Graduate Student
Study in israel
Up to $5,000

CJH-Fordham University Research Fellowship

Fordham University’s Center for Jewish Studies and the Center for Jewish History offer a joint short-term research fellowship in Jewish Studies for scholars whose research focuses on Jewish-Christian relations and who wish to conduct research based on materials housed at the Center for Jewish History and Fordham University.

Graduate Student