Proud to be Jewish Archives - Hillel International Thu, 20 Feb 2025 22:01:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Proud to be Jewish Archives - Hillel International 32 32 220799709 BBYO Today, Hillel Tomorrow Thu, 20 Feb 2025 21:58:33 +0000 Over Presidents Day weekend, the Hillel International Student and Alumni Marketing team traveled to Denver, Colorado for BBYO’s International Convention (IC), the largest gathering of Jewish teen leaders worldwide. Over 3,600 high school students from across the country and around the world braved sub-zero temperatures and blizzards to experience several days of learning, leadership training, […]

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BBYO Today, Hillel Tomorrow



February 20, 2025

Over Presidents Day weekend, the Hillel International Student and Alumni Marketing team traveled to Denver, Colorado for BBYO’s International Convention (IC), the largest gathering of Jewish teen leaders worldwide. Over 3,600 high school students from across the country and around the world braved sub-zero temperatures and blizzards to experience several days of learning, leadership training, celebration, and service.

Our favorite moments from the weekend included:

1. Free swag!

Who doesn’t love free Hillel swag?!? We gave out branded tote bags and fanny packs, fuzzy socks, stickers, and more — plus freedom tags to display our continued commitment to bring home the hostages held by Hamas — so students could show off their Jewish and Hillel pride throughout the conference and back home.

2. A Puppy Pawty

We had the joy of partnering with the cutest puppies from Lifeline Puppy Rescue. Students got to spend some quiet time during the conference cuddling with five adorable (and adoptable!) pups. Hillel understands the importance of mental health and wellness, and we hope this was a welcome break for the students and staff who stopped by.

3. Traveling to University of Denver and University of Colorado at Boulder

The Denver area is home to the multi-campus Hillel of Colorado and Hillel at the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU Boulder), which has one of the largest Jewish student populations in the country. The University of Denver Hillel was the perfect location for BBYO to host “The Jewish Kitchen: A Culinary Exploration of Our People,” where students went on a culinary journey through the diverse flavors of the Jewish diaspora with hands-on cooking sessions led by Jewish and Israeli food experts Micah Siva, Skye Estroff, and Jake Goldberg.

And at CU Boulder, Hillel student leaders led campus tours and participated in a panel discussion for nearly 300 BBYO teens where they shared their insights into preparing for college and getting involved with Jewish student life on campus.

4. Connecting seniors to their campus Hillels

As many high school seniors prepare to head off to college in the fall, Hillels on campuses across North America will be ready to welcome them to their Jewish home away from home for the next four years. And as seniors make their college decision, we encourage them to sign up for the Hillel Graduation Giveaway! We also partnered with our friends at the Jewish fraternity AEPi to host a meet and greet for high school seniors with Jewish students from CU Boulder to learn about Jewish life on college campus.

5. Highlighting Hillel’s mission

Two Hillel International Springboard Fellows, Melanie Silver from Hillel at Washington University in St. Louis and Samantha Brody from Boston University Hillel, were invited to speak during a summit on pluralism at the Adult Experience Track of IC. They discussed their work on campus to connect with all kinds of Jewish students by bringing a spirit of genuine openness and inclusivity.

Find your Hillel and learn more about Jewish life on campus at Hillel’s College Decision Hub.

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Investing in Creativity is Tikkun Olam — A Way to Repair the World Thu, 09 Jan 2025 14:24:14 +0000 Mark is a 2024 recipient of the Jordan and Elise Levin Scholarship for Jewish Enrichment and Education through Hillel International.

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Investing in Creativity is Tikkun Olam — A Way to Repair the World



January 9, 2025

Mark is a 2024 recipient of the Jordan and Elise Levin Scholarship for Jewish Enrichment and Education through Hillel International. As a first-generation college student at Stanford University, Mark uses filmmaking to tell a diverse array of stories. Learn more about Hillel International scholarships and apply today. 

I’m constantly amazed by the power of storytelling, and the way that, no matter who you are, a camera can help you share a story that might otherwise be lost. I believe that everyone has a story to tell, and every individual’s story has value. 

My story is driven by my aspiration to be the first in my family to attain a four-year college degree in the United States. My dream is to become a storyteller, a changemaker, and a leader who contributes to the world through the power of film. Through the Jordan and Elise Levin Scholarship for Jewish Enrichment and Education, Hillel International is helping me make that a reality — and helping me show that storytelling is another way we can start to repair the world.

As a Hillel International scholarship recipient, I attend Stanford University, and I’m so grateful to have found a home with Hillel at Stanford. Hillel has become a part of my weekly routine, especially on Shabbat. Receiving a Hillel International scholarship has been an honor — not just because I love my Judaism and I love Hillel, but because I see this scholarship as a way of really putting my Jewish values into action. 

Long before I found my way to Hillel, I started down the path of connecting my Jewish identity with filmmaking. My camera became not just a tool but a bridge, connecting me with people who tackled adversity with hope and determination. I decided to harness the power of film to ensure that my peers’ amazing stories would not go unheard. 

I also committed to helping other filmmakers realize their dreams. When I saw that financial barriers have kept many aspiring young filmmakers around the world from breaking into film festivals and sharing their work with a broader audience, I began to envision and build a student-led, free-to-enter film festival that prioritized the voices of marginalized artists. 

In 2022, the Student World Impact Film Festival (SWIFF) was born. Within the first week, we had thousands of entries, and since then, we’ve received nearly 20,000 films from student filmmakers in 149 countries. But beyond the quantitative impact, many of the filmmakers’  stories really resonate with me. 

For example, one student from Brazil wrote to us and told us that she didn’t have enough resources to afford submission fees at film festivals, and in Brazil, there are very few film festivals that showcase student work. SWIFF gave her the opportunity to submit her work, and it really helped her take the next step in her filmmaking career, sharing her story with a broader world.

My Judaism inspires me to do this work as a way of practicing tikkun olam, repairing the world. While there are so many different ways we can make the world a better place, for me, serving others through the arts just makes sense. Hillel’s support, community, and dedication to all kinds of tikkun olam make me proud to be a Hillel International scholarship recipient, and I look forward to continuing to share stories, and promote healing and respect across the world.  

Read about more inspiring Hillel International scholarship students like Oscar Seltzer, a Dartmouth student who carries his grandfather’s name and legacy with him as he pursues his education. 

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Letters from Alyssa: What Hanukkah Means to Me Thu, 19 Dec 2024 14:42:33 +0000 As Jewish college students prepare to light this years’ Hanukkah candles, I’ve been reflecting on the deeper meaning behind the holiday’s glow. Hanukkah is often seen as a joyful, fun-filled celebration – spinning dreidels, eating latkes, and exchanging gifts. And it is! But beyond the festive lights and traditions, there’s a profound story about Jewish identity and resilience that inspires me.

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Letters from Alyssa: What Hanukkah Means to Me



December 19, 2024

Hi Friend,

As Jewish college students prepare to light this years’ Hanukkah candles, I’ve been reflecting on the deeper meaning behind the holiday’s glow. Hanukkah is often seen as a joyful, fun-filled celebration – spinning dreidels, eating latkes, and exchanging gifts. And it is! But beyond the festive lights and traditions, there’s a profound story about Jewish identity and resilience that inspires me.

Hanukkah isn’t just about the oil that lasted for eight days or even the military victory of the Maccabees against the occupying force of the Seleucid Greeks. It’s about the Jewish people reclaiming their homeland and reestablishing the right to live as Jews, to practice their traditions openly, and to govern themselves according to their values. 

In many ways, Hanukkah is one of the earliest expressions of Zionism – the belief in the Jewish right to self-determination in our ancestral homeland. While the term “Zionism” didn’t exist in the time of the Maccabees, the spirit of the movement is present in their story. It’s about a connection to the land of Israel as a central tenet of Jewish identity, and the courage to preserve a way of life that reflects our values and beliefs.

This year, as we light the menorah, I’m thinking about what it means to rededicate ourselves to that courage and those values. Just as the Maccabees reclaimed the Temple and renewed their commitment to Jewish life, Hanukkah urges us to reflect on how we can carry forward that legacy of resilience and purpose.

To bring more meaning to my Hanukkah celebration this year, I’m:

  1. Reclaiming time for what matters: With life moving so fast, Hanukkah gives me a chance to slow down. Each night, I’m taking a moment to reflect on my Jewish identity – what it means to me, how I express it, and how I want to grow in the coming year.
  2. Lighting the menorah with intention: Each candle is more than just a light; it’s a reminder of the miracles we experience every day – the moments of hope and strength that make life meaningful.
  3. Sharing the story: I’m inviting friends – both Jewish and non-Jewish – to light the menorah with me and learn about Hanukkah’s deeper message. Celebrating together is a powerful example of how traditions like these continue to connect people.

For me, Hanukkah is a celebration of identity and values, showing us that the choices we make today can inspire not just this holiday, but generations to come.

Wishing you a Hanukkah filled with light, meaning, and the courage to lift up the ideas and values that are important to you.

Chag Urim sameach,

Originally from Los Angeles, Alyssa Wallack is a senior at the University of Southern California. A passionate advocate for Jewish and Israel-related causes, she’s now interning with Hillel International. When not immersed in her studies or various fellowships, Alyssa loves exploring LA’s food scene and connecting with fellow students about all things Jewish.

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Hillel International Global Assembly 2024 Celebrates Jewish Belonging on Campus Thu, 12 Dec 2024 17:09:27 +0000 On Monday night, the annual Hillel International Global Assembly (HIGA) kicked off with a message of belonging and community. 

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Hillel International Global Assembly 2024 Celebrates Jewish Belonging on Campus



December 12, 2024

On Monday night, the annual Hillel International Global Assembly (HIGA) kicked off with a message of belonging and community. 

“This is a time for kehilla, for community,” said Adam Lehman, president and CEO of Hillel International to the largest ever gathering of Hillel professionals, sponsors, and stakeholders. “[It is] a time for us to enrich and expand the inclusive Jewish communities on campus that only we can foster, enabling our students to make the leap from coffee dates to community, and from becoming to belonging.”

Drawing together the themes of tikkun (repair), kehillah (community), and chizuk (strength), Lehman spoke about the holistic work that Hillel does in supporting Jewish students. 

Over the course of the night, Lehman was joined by HIGA Co-Chair Jonah Zinn, executive director of University of Florida Hillel, and an incredible lineup of speakers, performers, and panelists, all united in a single goal: Kicking off the tenth annual HIGA with high energy, passionate commitment to Jewish college students, and the vast potential of their Jewish futures, and a dedication to Hillel’s mission. 

In addition to the Hillel House Band, which performed rousing renditions of songs like “Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu,” “Oseh Shalom,” “Take Me Home, Country Roads,” and an original song to the theme of belonging, participants were also treated to a special performance by DJ Yonatan Cohen, a survivor of the Nova Music Festival massacre. And Israeli actress Gal Gadot addressed the crowd, delivering a video message thanking attendees for their critical work.

“You’re not just supporting a community,” she said. “You’re transforming lives.”

Integral to the way Hillel improves students’ lives are the “superpowers” of its staff, an idea that came up throughout the evening. The energy in the room was good-humored and playful, and included a special guest appearance of a Superman action figure and a singalong to “Sweet Caroline” in honor of Boston, HIGA’s hosting city. The program also highlighted the roles that Hillel staff take on as Super Educators, Super Mentors, Super Advocates, Super Experience Creators, and more, which can’t be underestimated — and neither can their impact on the students they serve.

“Each of you has built that enduring connection for our students that binds them to each other, and to the global Jewish community,” said Matthew Bronfman, chair of Hillel International’s board of governors. “You have created spaces for them to not only feel sorrow, but to express their joy — and you have inspired them to be resilient and courageous in the face of many challenges, ensuring every student fulfills Hillel’s vision of making an enduring commitment to Jewish life, learning, and Israel.”

Lee Dranikoff, chair of the Hillel board of directors expanded on this theme and said, “Hillel has a crucial role to play. We are the glue that’s going to hold our community together. It’s a lot to ask. And no one else can do it. It has to be us.”

With nearly 80% of Jewish college students saying that Hillel is more important than ever, it’s clear the organization’s work continues to make a profound difference in the lives of Jewish college students. Abi Schcolnik (University of Miami ‘25) and Zachary Patterson (Duke University ‘26), co-chairs of the Hillel International Student Cabinet, shared the impact Hillel has had on them, especially in the past year.

“Since October 7, Hillel means more to me than ever,” Schcolnik said. “It’s a space where I can truly be myself and know that I am supported in every way — something that no other place on campus can provide.”

Patterson agreed. “There are thousands upon thousands of students just like us, who because of you all, feel a little bit braver walking onto campus every morning, and know that their Judaism doesn’t have to be an insecurity but what makes us who we are,” he said.

In addition to Hillel’s student, professional, and lay leadership, the evening also included a special panel discussion, entitled “Building Hope and Belonging through Spiritual Leadership.” Moderated by Rabbi Marc Baker, CEO of Combined Jewish Philanthropies, and featuring Rabbi Gil Steinlauf, executive director of Princeton University Hillel, Rabbi Jessica Lott, campus rabbi at Northwestern University Hillel, and Rabbi Rebecca Blady, executive director of Hillel Deutschland, the panel explored the importance of rooting ourselves in Jewish learning and values to achieve the goals of Jewish belonging, joyful Jewish community, and Jewish leadership.

Read more about HIGA 2024 and some of the Hillel superheroes who won awards for their exemplary work!

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Hillel Concert Series “Yallapalooza 2024” Wraps Up after 3-City Tour Celebrating Jewish Joy Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:48:57 +0000 Last night, the Yallapalooza 2024 concert series, powered by Hillel International, made its final stop at the Fillmore in Philadelphia after a week of bringing together thousands of Jewish college students across three cities to celebrate Jewish joy after an incredibly difficult year for Jewish students on college campuses.

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Hillel Concert Series “Yallapalooza 2024” Wraps Up after 3-City Tour Celebrating Jewish Joy 



November 11, 2024

Grammy-nominated singer Matisyahu, 2018 Eurovision winner Netta, 2023 Eurovision finalist Noa Kirel, and Nova Music Festival artists performed for thousands of Jewish college students  

Last night, the Yallapalooza 2024 concert series, powered by Hillel International, made its final stop at the Fillmore in Philadelphia after a week of bringing together thousands of Jewish college students across three cities to celebrate Jewish joy after an incredibly difficult year for Jewish students on college campuses. The concerts featured performances by Grammy-nominated musician Matisyahu, 2023 Eurovision finalist Noa Kirel, 2018 Eurovision winner Netta, and DJ Sasi and Yonatan Cohen, who both performed at the Nova Music Festival and survived the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023. Before Philadelphia, Yallapalooza took place at the Beacon Theater in New York on Nov. 3 and Emerson Colonial in Boston on November 7. 

Since October 7, 2023, Jewish college students have faced an alarming surge of antisemitism on college campuses across North America. These experiences have impacted what should be the most exciting, freeing, and transformative years of their lives. 

Photo credit: Cliff Mautner for Hillel International

Despite these challenges, Jewish college students have shown extraordinary courage and have come together to embrace Jewish joy, from celebrating the High Holidays to participating in Hillel programs, events, and welcome week activities in record-breaking numbers. Yallapalooza 2024 celebrated that spirit and offered thousands of Jewish students a new opportunity to join together in a much-needed space for collective joy with some of the top Jewish musical acts in the world. 

“Yallapalooza was very special. To see so many Jewish students feeling joy through music was incredible,” said Matisyahu. “Their energy was palpable and it was so powerful to be a part of this concert series with so many students in New York, Boston and Philadelphia over the past week.” 

Photo credit: Cliff Mautner for Hillel International

“I am so thrilled to have been able to come to the U.S. and perform for students who deserve this opportunity to celebrate with their community,” said Noa Kirel. “The atmosphere was incredible and I loved being part of such a fun and joyful moment with thousands of Jewish students.”

Photo credit: Cliff Mautner for Hillel International

“I was honored to participate in three amazing nights of celebration for Jewish students and showcase my music and represent the Tribe of Nova after such a difficult year,” said DJ Sasi, co-producer and a performer at the Nova Music Festival on 10/7. “Jews and Israelis across the world have faced many challenges since 10/7, yet we will continue to stand proudly together and showcase our story for all to see. 

Photo credit: Cliff Mautner for Hillel International

“Following October 7, the Jewish college experience was completely upended by the rise in antisemitism on campus,” said Natalie Ryba, a senior at Hunter College and member of Hillel International’s Student Cabinet. “Events like Hillel’s Yallapalooza concert give us the opportunity to experience Jewish music and joy with thousands of other college students, and for us it means the world to be able to celebrate being proudly Jewish together.”

Photo credit: Cliff Mautner for Hillel International

For over 100 years, Hillel has been a welcoming and supportive space for millions of Jewish college students of all backgrounds, denominations, and beliefs. Hillel, the world’s largest Jewish college organization, remains committed to being a trusted place for students seeking community, belonging, and support. With this concert series Hillel continues to be there for Jewish students, enabling them to come together, dance, sing and enjoy an evening together after an extraordinarily difficult past year.

“Amid another year marked by continuing challenges on campus, we were thrilled to take our commitment to Jewish college students on the road and bring thousands of students together for three nights of music, celebration, and joy with some of the world’s top Jewish musicians,” said Hillel President and CEO Adam Lehman. “Whether it’s on or off campus, giving our students the opportunity to experience these indelible moments of Jewish joy is at the heart of Hillel’s mission.”    

The concerts were entirely free of charge for Jewish students and recent college graduates. Students joined from hundreds of universities and colleges, with more than 5,000 students and recent grads registering for tickets. 

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Yallapalooza is a Chance for Jewish College Students Like Me to Dance, Sing, and Be Together Fri, 08 Nov 2024 17:37:40 +0000 When I heard about Yallapalooza, Hillel’s concert series that is bringing thousands of Jewish college students together in three cities for a night of music and Jewish joy, I signed up immediately.

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Yallapalooza is a Chance for Jewish College Students Like Me to Dance, Sing, and Be Together



November 8, 2024

When I heard about Yallapalooza, Hillel’s concert series that is bringing thousands of Jewish college students together in three cities for a night of music and Jewish joy, I signed up immediately. I was even more excited after being asked to co-host the New York City concert as part of Hillel International’s Student Cabinet — I couldn’t wait. The lineup was amazing (the concert featured Matisyahu, Netta, DJ Sasi, and Yonatan Cohen), and I knew the energy at the event would be exactly what I needed after a year of rising antisemitism and anti-Israel rhetoric on campus.

As a Jewish student at Hunter College, the months after October 7 were really hard and sad. I was constantly exhausted, and struggled to keep up with my classes. Posters around campus of the hostages being held captive in Gaza were constantly pulled down, and some of my classmates referred to Israel as a perpetrator of genocide. 

But no matter how dark things got, Hunter Hillel was a source of joy. I grew up in a large Syrian Jewish community in Brooklyn, New York, and originally sought out Jewish life at Hunter to see what other kinds of Jewish communities are like. The staff at Hillel helped me deepen my Jewish identity, get an internship, and provided a welcoming, supportive community when I needed it most. I attended “Not-Shabbat” dinners on Thursday nights, community gatherings at the Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life at NYU, and had a dedicated Israel Fellow there to help answer questions. 

Yallapalooza took all of that friendship and community, and concentrated it into one incredible night. The concert was absolutely magical — spiritual, special, and so joyful. The energy the Jewish student community has here in New York is unlike anything else I’ve experienced, with so much diversity, passion and hope, and there was so much love and support in that space: for Hillel, for Israel, and maybe most importantly, for each other. 

It was also so cool to have so many Hillel-connected people in one place. There were thousands of participants from campus Hillels, plus tons of people from the broader Hillel International community. Even Matthew Bronfman, the chair of the Hillel International board of governors, was there. It was really moving to see Hillel leadership show up — their care and commitment for Jewish students is always so evident.

For me, one of the most moving parts of the concert was Netta’s performance. She brought so much joy, was willing to share so much of herself with us, and connected to the crowd as if she was there with each of us as individuals. 

I often feel like Hillel can read minds when it comes to knowing what Jewish college students need, and Yallapalooza is a perfect example of that feeling. Being there, with so many other Jewish college students, dancing to Israeli music with my friends and feeling so connected and uplifted, was everything I wanted. I expressed my gratitude from the stage before the concert ended, but I know I’ll be thinking about that night with love and joy for years to come.

Yallapalooza, powered by Hillel International, is a series of concerts for Jewish college students that celebrate Jewish joy. Catch up on the Boston Yallapalooza concert here.

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Hillel Concert Series “Yallapalooza 2024” Visits Boston Fri, 08 Nov 2024 13:13:45 +0000 Last night, the Yallapalooza 2024 concert series, powered by Hillel International, brought together more than 1,000 Jewish college students at Emerson Colonial in Boston for a night celebrating Jewish joy after an incredibly difficult year for Jewish students on college campuses.

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Hillel Concert Series “Yallapalooza 2024” Visits Boston



November 8, 2024

Grammy-nominated singer Matisyahu, 2023 Eurovision finalist Noa Kirel, and Nova Music Festival artists performed for over a thousand Jewish college students at Boston’s Emerson Colonial Theater.

Last night, the Yallapalooza 2024 concert series, powered by Hillel International, brought together more than 1,000 Jewish college students at Emerson Colonial in Boston for a night celebrating Jewish joy after an incredibly difficult year for Jewish students on college campuses. The concert featured performances by Grammy-nominated musician Matisyahu, 2023 Eurovision finalist Noa Kirel, and DJ Sasi and Yonatan Cohen, who both performed at the Nova Music Festival.The Boston show followed the kick-off concert in New York last Sunday.  

Since October 7, 2023, Jewish college students have faced an alarming surge of antisemitism on college campuses across North America. These experiences have impacted what should be the most exciting, freeing, and transformative years of their lives. 

Despite these challenges, Jewish college students have shown extraordinary courage and have come together to embrace Jewish joy, from celebrating the High Holidays to participating in Hillel programs, events, and welcome week activities in record-breaking numbers. Yallapalooza 2024 celebrated that spirit and offered Jewish students a new opportunity to join together in a much-needed space for collective joy with some of the top Jewish musical acts in the world. 

Photo credit: Hannah Osofsky for Hillel International

“The energy in Boston was incredible. It’s so powerful to see all these Jewish students, who have been through a lot in the last year, experiencing real joy through music,” said Matisyahu. “Yallapalooza is an important chance for unity and celebration during these times, and it is an honor to be a part of these shows.”

“I am so thrilled to have been able to come to the U.S. and perform for students who deserve this opportunity to celebrate with their community,” said Noa Kirel. “The atmosphere was incredible and I loved being part of such a fun and joyful moment with more than 1,000 Jewish students.”

Photo credit: Hannah Osofsky for Hillel International

“I am honored to participate in a night of celebration for Jewish students and showcase my music and represent the Tribe of Nova after such a difficult year,” said DJ Sasi, co-producer and a performer at the Nova Music Festival on 10/7. “Jews and Israelis across the world have faced many challenges since 10/7, yet we will continue to stand proudly together and showcase our story for all to see. 

“Since October 7 our Jewish college experience has been disrupted by a surge of antisemitism on campus, impacting many of us in Boston,” said Danny Denenberg, a student leader at Harvard University who spoke at last night’s concert. “Hillel’s Yallapalooza concert in Boston is an amazing opportunity to be proudly Jewish with our friends and thousands of other college students. Everyone there loved experiencing Jewish joy and dancing to incredible music. 

Photo credit: Hannah Osofsky for Hillel International

For over 100 years, Hillel has been a welcoming and supportive space for millions of Jewish college students of all backgrounds, denominations, and beliefs. Hillel, the world’s largest Jewish college organization, remains committed to being a trusted place for students seeking community, belonging, and support. With this concert series Hillel continues to be there for Jewish students, enabling them to come together, dance, sing and enjoy an evening together after an extraordinarily difficult past year.

“Amid another year marked by continuing challenges on campus, we are thrilled to take our commitment to Jewish college students on the road and bring thousands of students together for three nights of music, celebration, and joy with some of the world’s top Jewish musicians,” said Hillel President and CEO Adam Lehman. “Whether it’s on or off campus, giving our students the opportunity to experience these indelible moments of Jewish joy is at the heart of Hillel’s mission.”    

The concert was entirely free of charge for Jewish students and recent college graduates in the Boston area, and throughout the Northeast. The final concert of the Yallapalooza 2024 tour will take place the evening of Sunday, November 10 in Philadelphia. 

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Hillel Concert Series “Yallapalooza 2024” Visits New York City Mon, 04 Nov 2024 13:24:34 +0000  Last night, the Yallapalooza 2024 concert series, powered by Hillel International and UJA-Federation of New York, brought together thousands of Jewish college students at the Beacon Theater in New York City for a night celebrating Jewish joy after an incredibly difficult year for Jewish students on college campuses.

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Hillel Concert Series “Yallapalooza 2024” Visits New York City



November 4, 2024

Grammy-nominated singer Matisyahu, Eurovision winner Netta, and Nova Music Festival artists performed for thousands of Jewish college students at NYC’s Beacon Theater.

Last night, the Yallapalooza 2024 concert series, powered by Hillel International and UJA-Federation of New York, brought together thousands of Jewish college students at the Beacon Theater in New York City for a night celebrating Jewish joy after an incredibly difficult year for Jewish students on college campuses. The concert featured performances by Grammy-nominated musician Matisyahu, Eurovision winner Netta, and DJ Sasi and Yonatan Cohen, who both performed at the Nova Music Festival.

Photo credit: Max Gold for Hillel International

Since October 7, 2023, Jewish college students have faced an alarming surge of antisemitism on college campuses across North America. These experiences have impacted what should be the most exciting, freeing, and transformative years of their lives.

Despite these challenges, Jewish college students have shown extraordinary courage and have come together to embrace Jewish joy, from celebrating the High Holidays to participating in Hillel programs, events, and welcome week activities in record-breaking numbers. Yallapalooza 2024 celebrated that spirit and offered Jewish students a new opportunity to join together in a much-needed space for collective joy with some of the top Jewish musical acts in the world. 

“Tonight was very special. To see so many Jewish students feeling joy through music was incredible,” said Matisyahu. “Their energy was palpable and it was so powerful to be a part of this night with so many students. I can’t wait for our next two shows in Boston and Philly.”

Photo credit: Max Gold for Hillel International

“I am honored to participate in a night of celebration for Jewish students and showcase my music and represent the Tribe of Nova after such a difficult year,” said DJ Sasi, co-producer and a performer at the Nova Music Festival on 10/7. “Jews and Israelis across the world have faced many challenges since 10/7, yet we will continue to stand proudly together and showcase our story for all to see.”

“Following October 7, the Jewish college experience was completely upended by the rise in antisemitism on campus, which has directly impacted many of us in New York,” said Natalie Ryba, a senior at Hunter College and member of Hillel International’s Student Cabinet. “Events like Hillel’s Yallapalooza concert in New York City give us the opportunity to experience Jewish music and joy with thousands of other college students, and for us it means the world to be able to celebrate being proudly Jewish together.”

For over 100 years, Hillel has been a welcoming and supportive space for millions of Jewish college students of all backgrounds, denominations, and beliefs. Hillel, the world’s largest Jewish college organization, remains committed to being a trusted place for students seeking community, belonging, and support. With this concert series Hillel continues to be there for Jewish students, enabling them to come together, dance, sing and enjoy an evening together after an extraordinarily difficult past year.

“Amid another year marked by continuing challenges on campus, we were thrilled to take our commitment to Jewish college students on the road and bring thousands of students together for a night of music, celebration and joy with some of the world’s top Jewish musicians,” said Hillel President and CEO Adam Lehman. “Whether it’s on or off campus, giving our students the opportunity to experience these indelible moments of Jewish joy is at the heart of Hillel’s mission.”   

Photo credit: Max Gold for Hillel International

“During a year when Jewish college students have faced an alarming increase in antisemitism on campus with strength and courage, it is more important than ever that we support them with opportunities where they can proudly showcase what it means to be Jewish,”said Matthew Bronfman, Chair of the Hillel International Board of Governors. “Tonight’s concert, featuring some of the most recognizable Jewish and Israeli musicians in the world playing in front of thousands of cheering students, was a wonderfully positive and uplifting experience that our students so richly deserve and that Hillel is so proud to provide.”

The concert was entirely free of charge for Jewish students and recent college graduates in New York City and the Tri-State area. Students attended from more than 200 schools, including Columbia University, NYU, Binghamton University, and the City University of New York (CUNY) schools, as well as from colleges and universities nationwide.

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Meeting the Jewish leaders of tomorrow at BBYO’s International Convention Tue, 20 Feb 2024 13:46:48 +0000 Over Presidents Day weekend, the Hillel International Student and Alumni Marketing team traveled to Orlando, Florida for BBYO’s International Convention (IC), the largest gathering of Jewish teen leaders worldwide. Nearly 4,000 high school students from across the country and around the world gathered together for several days of learning, leadership training, celebration, and service. And […]

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Meeting the Jewish leaders of tomorrow at BBYO’s International Convention



February 20, 2024

Over Presidents Day weekend, the Hillel International Student and Alumni Marketing team traveled to Orlando, Florida for BBYO’s International Convention (IC), the largest gathering of Jewish teen leaders worldwide. Nearly 4,000 high school students from across the country and around the world gathered together for several days of learning, leadership training, celebration, and service. And BBYO celebrated its Centennial year too!

Our favorite moments from the weekend included:

1. Free swag!

Who doesn’t love free Hillel swag?!? We gave out branded hats, fuzzy socks, belt bags, first aid kits, stickers, buttons, and more — plus freedom tags to display our continued commitment to bring home the hostages held by Hamas — so students could show off their Jewish and Hillel pride throughout the conference.

2. Sponsoring the senior lunch

As many high school seniors prepare to head off to college in the fall, Hillels on campuses across North America will be ready to welcome them to their Jewish home away from home for the next four years. And as seniors make their college decision, we encourage them to sign up for the free Hillel Welcome Gift!

3. Spending the day at Central Florida Hillel

With a state-of-the-art building, volleyball court and swimming pool (hello Florida sunshine!), and one of the largest undergraduate Jewish populations in the country, the UCF Hillel was a prime location to host events during IC. Plus, BBYO students who attended programming held at the Hillel building got a glimpse of what Jewish life on campus is like. Hillel students from UCF, University of Southern Florida, and other local schools also served as volunteers.

4. A mobile petting zoo

We had the joy of bringing in baby animals from Bella’s Little Farm. Students got to spend some quiet time during the conference with the cutest bunnies and guinea pigs, a chicken, a baby pig, and the sweetest little goat. Hillel understands the importance of mental health and wellness, and we hope this was a welcome break from the craziness of the conference for the students and staff who stopped by.

5. Connecting with partner organizations

From BBYO and RootOne to AEPi, AEPhi, and ZBT to Masa and Repair the World, there’s a whole collection of organizations that we work with to best serve Jewish students at all phases of their lives in high school, college, and beyond.

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Campus Microcommunities Have a Big Impact Wed, 03 Jan 2024 17:49:00 +0000 Students step onto college campuses every day to explore their identities, their communities, and to find new ways of expressing who they are. When I was a student at the University of Buffalo, I found ways to lift up the different parts of my own multi-faceted identity. I am Jewish. I grew up speaking Russian. And I also have Japanese roots. Being involved with Hillel gave me opportunities to bring my whole self into the Jewish community. 

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Campus Microcommunities Have a Big Impact




January 3, 2024

Students step onto college campuses every day to explore their identities, their communities, and to find new ways of expressing who they are. When I was a student at the University of Buffalo, I found ways to lift up the different parts of my own multi-faceted identity. I am Jewish. I grew up speaking Russian. And I also have Japanese roots. Being involved with Hillel gave me opportunities to bring my whole self into the Jewish community. 

When I became the Springboard Fellow at Stony Brook University, I was determined to create the same kind of opportunities for other Jewish students. Together with student leaders, I have worked to create a range of microcommunities within Stony Brook Hillel; spaces where students who share multiple cultural backgrounds can connect with each other and deepen their relationships with their own identities. 

The first community I turned to was the Russian Jewish community. As a Russian-speaking Jew, I was able to ensure that programming was authentic and accurately represented our culture. This brought so much meaning to students within the Jewish Russian-speaking community at Stony Brook and inspired me to further broaden this opportunity to include other microcommunities. I invited students to launch programs that not only brought their identities to life but also introduced their fellow students to their unique cultural backgrounds.

Just a few months later, with the creation of the “Culture Committee,” a cohort that empowers students to authentically and effectively host events for microcommunities, we are growing into a Hillel that celebrates the diversity of the Jewish people by hosting events that gather Jews from various backgrounds. Whether watching Russian cartoons or painting tote bags together at the LGBTQ center, we create meaningful opportunities for students to connect with and learn from one another.

This work helps me connect with students who may not have initially found meaning in their Jewish identities. While the Jewish community is often perceived as monolithic, our microcommunity-focused work uplifts all kinds of Jewish students, altering that perception both within the Jewish community as well as the broader campus community. This means that Jewish students who would have never considered connecting with a Jewish community on campus now feel welcome and that they have a home at Hillel.  

We have also been able to welcome a new group of student leaders who began their Hillel journeys in the Culture Committee. Students who have led microcommunity-specific events have gained experience and confidence to take on other leadership roles at Hillel. 

I’m so grateful that our efforts around building space for all kinds of Jewish identities have provided Stony Brook students the opportunity to connect Jewishly and culturally and grow in their leadership abilities. I am excited to see the ongoing growth of our Hillel as the Culture Committee continues to evolve. 

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