899 results

Take Care of Yourself: Emotional Preparation For October 7

Managing stress in the context of trauma, especially around significant anniversaries like marking one year since Hamas’s attack on Israel, can be particularly challenging. The emotional weight of such occasions can amplify stress, anxiety, fear, and flashbacks to anti-Israel protests on campus. For many Jewish students, October 7 will be filled with sadness, and for some, it may be too painful to remember. 

What is Rosh Hashanah?

Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the Jewish calendar, which is entering the year 5784, and is celebrated as the Jewish New Year. The Jewish year begins in the fall with the month of Tishrei, and Rosh Hashanah occurs on the first and second days of the month of Tishrei. 

Hillel’s Virtual College Prep Series Returns: Finding the Best Fit for You

It’s that time of year again — Hillel International’s Virtual College Prep Series is back! Designed for high school students and their families, these free virtual events are designed to help Jewish students prepare for college and the changing campus environment. The first session kicked off on September 19 with a topic we know is on every student’s mind: How do I find the right school for me?

Hillel, AJC, and ACE Convene 75+ College and University Presidents for Historic Summit on Campus Antisemitism 

Today, Hillel International, American Jewish Committee (AJC), and the American Council on Education (ACE) concluded a landmark two-day College and University Presidents Summit on Campus Antisemitism, held at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center. With more than 75 university presidents and chancellors attending, the Summit marked the largest-ever gathering of college and university presidents to discuss the topic of confronting antisemitism on campus.

What’s new at Hillel CASE?

Hillel CASE unites Jewish young adults across the former Soviet Union, with centers all over Eastern Europe. Hillel CASE participants spent this summer connecting, learning, engaging, and building community, even amid the backdrop of war in Ukraine, and we’re excited to share some of the highlights of their recent programming, which has provided much-needed support in a region in turmoil.

Voting 101, Supported by MitzVote

How do you register to vote? Where do you vote if you’re registered in a different state than where you go to college? Can anyone register to vote by mail? Do you have to bring an ID to a polling station? These questions and others may make figuring out how to vote as a college student feel daunting and overwhelming.