What Even IS Purim? Part One: The Story Behind the Holiday

In late March, Jewish people around the world will celebrate Purim, a holiday commemorating the deliverance of the Jews of ancient Persia from persecution. In part one of this two-part series, Hillel International is exploring the story behind the holiday – and why we love it so much!
When does the story of Purim take place? Sometime between 539–330 BCE.
Where? Ancient Persia. More specifically, the city of Susa (also called Shushan in some Purim stories, which is modern southwest Iran). Pro tip: Purim is one of the only Jewish holidays commemorating events happening outside the Land of Israel!
The setting: What was it like being Jewish in this place and time? There were many thriving Jewish communities in Persia at this time and Jews enjoyed full citizenship. However, while Jews were legally allowed to lead Jewish lives, many Jews experienced oppression and persecution.
An extremely short version of the Purim story: A young Jewish woman named Esther rose to power by concealing her Jewish identity and marrying the Persian king. At the time, Jewish persecution was a major issue for Jews in Persia, and Esther never would have been able to assume this level of power if she was a Jew publicly. In fact, the king’s right-hand man, named Haman, was actively working on a plot behind his back to decimate Jewish communities. Esther’s uncle Mordecai overheard the details of this heinous plot and knew Esther was the only Jewish person in a position of power who could possibly intervene. Mordecai convinced Esther to risk her life by revealing her true identity to the king and revealing Haman’s evil plot. The king, who loved Esther, stopped Haman from pursuing his mission, and executed Haman in a public trial as a demonstration for his intolerance for Jew hatred. In the end, the Jewish community was saved and also afforded extra protection by royal decree.
Some cool aspects of Purim & why we love it so much:
- The themes of “concealing and revealing one’s true nature” are prevalent both in the Purim story, and in the traditional ways we celebrate it. For example, Esther conceals and then reveals her Jewish identity in order to save her people. Additionally, the character of God is “concealed” and God’s name is not mentioned once in the entire Book of Esther (although from a Jewish perspective, God is the one who is pulling the strings of redemption behind the scenes). For these reasons, Purim is an invitation to dress up in costume as a way to “come out” and reveal typically hidden or unseen aspects of ourselves. Additionally, the theme of “celebrating our inner truths” is one reason why Purim has become a particularly resonant holiday for folks in the LGBTQ community.
- This story is one of the most beloved in the Jewish community because it positions Jews as powerful agents of their own destinies, rather than as victims of persecution.
- The Purim story is one of only a handful of canonical Jewish stories that heavily feature the complex lives, perspectives, and actual voices of women.
- Purim is an opportunity to center feminism! Esther faces limitations based on her gender, and understands that women in her society are expected to be seen and used, but not heard. While she doesn’t challenge these social norms outright, she plays the long game and uses her wit and allure as a woman to her advantage. Ultimately, because she plays into the gender role assigned to her without overtly threatening the men in power, Esther is able to overcome social limitations and save the Jewish people. Today, she is considered a heroine worthy of celebration and admiration.
Next week, in part two of this series, we’ll explore the various ways Purim is celebrated!